Less feedback, with the Sheraton, but a more 'rounded' mid-range jangle/quack, with the Casino/P-90 combination. Point is, with a little bit of experimentation, you should be able to get close, with either guitar you're interested. I know both Epiphone’s have the same Probucker pickups with coil tap, they feel almost identical except for the thickness in body width and that one is a single cut and the other a double cut, and I read that the previous versions had issues hence the Pro versions having better electronics and a better nut, but beyond that, I am not that savvy or knowledgeable about the specs. they've used a multitude of guitar gear, as well.
I have played both at the local big box guitar stores but cannot decide on which one to get, I play mostly at home and sometimes jam with friends, I play Classic Rock, Blues Rock, Country and am interested in learning some Jazz. The Epiphone Joe Pass Emperor-II Pro and the Epiphone Sheraton II Pro. I am fairly new to playing guitar, I already have a Squire Classic Vibes 50’s Strat and a PRS SE Santana, I am interested in buying a hollow body or semi hallow body guitar and have narrowed it down to 2 guitars,